Large Product Photography - A Guide into the process.

Small handheld items are not the only type of product that needs visibility in the current marketplace, It’s large ones too! When thinking about Large Products, It could be anything from pianos, airplanes, tools, machinery and so much more… How does a customer looking for large scale product photography choose a photographer when looking for a product photographer?

First, it depends on your geographical location and whether or not the piece being photographed can move easily or not! Often times Large Products that need to be photographed can’t easily be transported, and if they can, could mean more time & expenses for the client gaining access to trailers and transport.. The ideal situation would be to move the piece to a local studio with a cyc wall. These types of studios allow the photographer to set the stage for the item in a clean, controlled environment. Considering a space with a large garage door is helpful when trying to get the item indoors. The height and weight should be considered.

Second, Choosing a photographer who understands this landscape is also quite the process- Not everyone has access to these spaces nor may they understand how to stage the set. The photographer must be aware of how to balance and shape light to create consistent output that is appealing to the viewer and the product. When there are multiple lights involved, there are multiple shadows too- Striking the balance and creating realistic environments is what makes the product look its best.

Third, If a studio is not available because the item cannot move then the photographer has another option. They may be able to bring a traveling studio equipped with backdrops, lights, proper grip, and tethered capture for the team to preview while at the job site. An individual who is trained in CaptureOne is a great asset on professional photoshoot. Additionally, someone who is skilled in Photoshop editing may be needed as well. The photographer and tech can make adjustments to the images on the spot to convey the changes that need to be made in post production. Most times these shoots are not a one man operation- It takes a lot of moving parts to ensure your product is being photographed properly and safely.

If you are considering images for your product, Vargo Photography in Salt Lake Cit, Utah has extensive experience with Large Product Photography and should absolutely be considered for your next product photography request. Take a look at an opportunity where we captured a mobile surveillance unit for a local Utah company. This job required us to visit the client warehouse and setup a mobile studio. The option made the most sense for the client because it was a brand new prototype and far from a local cyc wall studio. The client was very pleased with the output. Thanks for visiting.